Monday, June 1, 2009

In Philly!

After two uneventful plane rides and a really expensive cab ride I made it to my hotel in Philadelphia!! No one really knows who all the other volunteers are but if they're wearing chacos its a safe bet. I've only met a few other people but so far everyone is great and excited and completely not sure what to expect. I started losing my voice which is convenient since I have to meet a lot of people...but I found meds so I'm set. No worries. Other than that I saw the liberty bell, had a Philly cheese steak, and met another volunteer that's doing the same project as me! I plan on future blogs being a tad more interesting.... but I'm here and ready to go!! I miss everyone a lot but hopefully they'll be keeping us busy so I can stay focused and motivated.

Love you all!!



  1. Hi Elyse and hope all is going as planned. We already miss you but love the blogsite. Hope I did this right this time. Grandma

  2. Elyse, We are all missing you and I thought Chloe was a bit much growling at you over the phone but she did have her bone. Alpine Vet Clinic does not discriminate and will see a minature dashound.
    Love, Mom

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ooohhh, I'm so excited for you. I'm bragging a about you to everyone I know. Miss you like crazy. I'm glad I gave you that great big hug, cuase it has to hold me for 24 months. I'm sending you a big hug now...... Okay, you can breathe now... Love you!
